I finally made it home today, after a long week, not just a couple of days Monday and Tuesday I had seizures I know I'm lucky to have a support group here at home. The support I felt in DC was nothing that I feel here I got love and support there just felt different I don't know if it was because everyone there knew what I meant when I told my story.
Telling my story and realizing that I haven't told my full story on here:
Telling my story and realizing that I haven't told my full story on here:
My story starts when I was 6 years old I was diagnosed with epilepsy at the time they weren't 100% sure which type of seizures I was having. I was lucky to have friends to take care of me I recall one day specifically I was in the playground and I had a seizure and walked out into the street in front of an oncoming car, luckily I had a friend nearby who pulled me out of the street. I was 7 at the time, what 7-year-old steps in front of a car one that is in the middle of an absence seizure but I didn't know that at the time. It wasn't until I was 14 until I was diagnosed with absences seizures by then everyone I knew had a system. When I say system I mean a series of questions which in my opinion got very annoying. The questions they would ask would pertain to something like what day is it, what's your name, where are you, who am I little questions of those sorts. When I turned 16 I finally found a doctor that did me good Dr. Colliar she changed my life so much and made an impact in my life. Around when I was 20 I started this blog. When Dr. Colliar ended up leaving to somewhere in Denver I felt lost because I was seizure free for the longest time it took me 6 months to find Dr. Wheeler. So I have to leave my little town every 6 months to see him Casper, WY. To this day I am still diagnosed with Atypical absence seizures to this day. I'm lucky to have the people in my life that I do who protect me and take care of my I love every single one of them.
This is my story and there is more to tell my story doesn't end here it's an ongoing story. I hope this page can be a place where we can all come together and share our stories. Let us become happy positive and comfortable with who we are.
Amanda Rost
Instagram : @EpilepticMom
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